The best marker for a child's eating habits is their overall health and development. ![]() The common story we hear when working with families who are struggling with their child's selective eating habits, is that their child, was once a really good eater. When their child approached toddler hood however, mealtimes became a battle of wills filled with annoyance, anger, disappointment and even tears. When this shift happens, parents become discouraged and begin to fall into the trap of feeding their child anything, just to get them to eat. As mothers, we know all too well what it feels like to prepare and serve a healthy meal only to be met with resistance and complaints. It's a desperate feeling to think your child is not eating enough food and it is out of desperation that parents begin to consider giving their children anything, just so they will take in some calories. It is normal for children to become selective and resistant to new foods and is more beneficial to focus attention on what your child is eating rather than how much. Having this information will help you stay the course, even through those moments of doubt. What to Know:
Here Are Some Things You Can Do to Make Every Bite Count
Joanna Silverman